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Mission ONE

The launch, project planning, fly to Dubai to establish a Retail Distribution business and research drinking water.

The launch city... no pressure.

I've been a frequent visitor to the ever-evolving cityscape of Dubai for over a decade. The perpetual growth, adaptability, and rapid changes in this dynamic city ensure that every arrival is akin to experiencing Dubai for the first time.

In the bustling realm of Dubai's business scene, the pulse is set by two enduring forces—relationships and reputation. The pivotal question, "How long have you been in Dubai?" serves as an unspoken code, revealing the depth of one's understanding of the market. Those with a tenure exceeding a decade hold a unique vantage point, having witnessed and contributed to the metamorphosis of Dubai's economic landscape.

Crucially, success in Dubai is not solely about transactions; it's about the relationships forged and the reputation meticulously crafted over time. The adage holds true: in the Middle East, where tradition meets innovation, relationships and reputation are not just components of success; they are the very fabric that binds the business community together. So, as I continue to navigate Dubai's ever-changing tech corridors, I recognize that each encounter is an opportunity to deepen relationships and further enrich my understanding of this vibrant and dynamic market.


Dubai's dynamic economic landscape offers a compelling environment for strategic business endeavors, fostering innovation and growth. In this review, I aim to delve into the process of establishing a business in Dubai, highlighting its tax advantages, residency opportunities, and avenues for offshore investments and savings.

Setting Up a Business in Dubai:

Dubai's business-friendly policies and infrastructure make it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs. From free zones offering 100% foreign ownership to mainland businesses requiring a local sponsor, the setup options cater to various business models.

Tax Benefits:
Dubai's tax system, known for its favorable regulations, offers businesses a tax-free environment on corporate and personal income tax. Additionally, there are no capital gains taxes or withholding taxes, making it an appealing choice for international investors.

Residency Options:
Dubai provides diverse residency pathways, including investor visas for those establishing businesses, allowing them and their families to reside in the Emirates. The UAE government has also introduced long-term visas for investors and professionals in certain sectors, facilitating stability and growth.

Offshore Investments and Savings:
Dubai's position as a global financial hub presents ample opportunities for offshore investments and savings. Offshore banking, investment funds, and wealth management services cater to individuals seeking to diversify their portfolios and benefit from international financial markets.

As the city continues to evolve and expand its economic landscape, exploring these facets of business establishment, tax benefits, residency avenues, and offshore opportunities in Dubai can provide a solid foundation for strategic planning and business development.

Mission One Posts

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Mission 1: Unveiling the Thirst: Challenges in Sourcing Clean Drinking Water in Dubai

Mission 1: Unveiling the Thirst: Challenges in Sourcing Clean Drinking Water in Dubai

  Dubai faces several challenges regarding clean drinking water due to its arid climate, limited freshwater resources, and high demand. Here are some key challenges: Limited Natural Water Sources: Dubai's geographical location...

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Business Plan

A modest 3 year financial forecast with 3 page business plan.

About - TravelWorkPlay

THE CHALLENGE - I've committed to a 365-day journey where I'll leverage all of my life skills to create more value in just one year than I've created over the past three decades. We are not just talking money, this includes supporting others, friends, colleagues, society, animals, planet earth and more - I'm giving my greatest asset - TIME. To add to the fun, I aim to accomplish this relying solely on a account, which currently has $60,000 of active trades as my primary financial resource. No More, No Less.